How To Use Mac


So you decided to switch from PC to Mac? Here are some tips on how to do so. Note this FAQ won’t compare operating systems because everyone has a different opinion.

The number one issue for switching to Mac is the underlying UNIX foundation in Mac OSX. It’s quite different from what you might be used to.

One advantage of owning an Intel-based Mac is you can run Windows (or Linux) as well. There are at least three good ways to do it: Boot Camp, Parallels, and Fusion.


Lack of Apple Shops makes buying locally difficult; your best shot is to order online. However, picking which Mac to buy (and when) is pretty straightforward. Just visit their site, your selection is pretty basic.

Keyboard Tips

Use Exposé. Learn how to use F9, F10, and F11 to switch windows and use widgets. It’s a real time-saver.

Windows users will like to know that Alt-Command-Esc will display the “Force Quit Applications” dialog.

You can also force quit an application by clicking on its dock icon while holding down Ctrl+Alt.

Command-H will hide applications.

Command-Shift-3 to snapshot the whole screen

Command-Shift-4 to get a selection cursor. In this mode: Hit Space to snapshot a specific window.

If you’re keyboard-oriented, go into System Preferences | Keyboard and Mouse | Keyboard Preferences and Turn on full keyboard access so you can access menus and toolbars using the keyboard.

Keep In mind

Mac applications run differently than PC. When you click the red “X” button, it will not close the app like in Windows. It remains running in your menu bar with the small black triangle underneath it.

Other Stuff:

On cool feature on the Mac is how it installs application or lack thereof. To install an app simply drag it into the apps folder. That’s it.

Buy a mouse. Macs mighty mouse is single click only even though OSX supports dual click.

One Response to How To Use Mac

  1. Buddy says:

    What? Mighty Mouse has right click despite there being only on piece of plastic.

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